“In order not to surrender to the chronicle of this pandemic, one must use creativity and hope” are the words of Imma Sarnacchiaro, who continues “I think that if you are determined and creative, romantic and imaginative – and with the right fragrances for the environment – you can give a visit the Mediterranean Sea for the first trip of spring, beginning to savor its scents, but without yet taking planes and trains ”. This is how the designer and creator of the Riccio Caprese line of design objects presents the line of ambient sprays designed to transform your living spaces into rich sensorial emotions.
The relaxing sensuality of the sea for the sleeping and relaxation area
The sea is a primordial element, it brings us back to prenatal life in the maternal womb, which is why its scent and the sound of the surf have the power to detoxify us from stress and restore calm and peace. It is important to choose the right room fragrances for the sanctuary area of our home, the sleeping area and spa.
Ricciocaprese has created Marina based on essences of violet, bergamot, rose and tuberose, with base notes of amber for a romantic and delicate fragrance and Ocean that blends ozone, bergamot and honeysuckle, with elegant notes of jasmine.
The thrill of a boat trip to Capri for a healthy olfactory break in the Studio smartworking area
It is no mystery how many of us – by choice or necessity – have now moved the studio into the house, possibly in a dedicated room or area, since the presence of routers, cables, computer printers, scanners and other electronic equipment creates a load. of electromagnetic waves that it is not healthy to receive constantly. “By now it often happens to me between a phone call and a video call to close my eyes and imagine for a few seconds to be completely elsewhere”, explains Imma Sarnacchiaro and continues “I therefore propose an imaginary boat trip in the blue waters of my beloved Capri, choosing the Grotta Verde fragrances based on strawberry, raspberry, dried fruit, nutmeg, rose and cinnamon with base notes with a woody and musky tone for the environments where you work “A valid alternative is the Azzurra fragrance” in which I wanted mixing the energy of citrus fruits with lily of the valley and jasmine, like the inimitable smells of a walk along Via Tragàra “.
The bestsellers of Ricciocaprese room fragrances for the living area
Often those who create fragrances need time to get to the best sellers but in our case we had to wait a little “is again Imma who tells and continues: as soon as they were launched in our stores and then on the Femminiello and Terra di Capri website they proved to be a success and I know for sure that they are increasingly chosen for the living area of the house, where there is a desire for joy, lightheartedness, freshness, escape. Femminiello is the overwhelming energy of citrus, spices, flowers and a robust and sensual base note of amber that gives energy and vitality. Terra Di Capri surprises with the fruity tones of apple and red fruits and enchants thanks to the base notes of orange blossom and orange so it is able to give calm and well-being. Our bestsellers can be found right in the middle of the homepage of our site.